Island Drainage Solution Discussion
Join DSD in an HBA Exclusive Input Meeting
City Hall 6th Floor Conference Room
1201 Leopard Street6th Floor Conference Room
Corpus Christi, TX 78401-2120
United States
Event Details
Development Services will Sponsor Lunch for RSVP'd attendees.
Development Services has been tasked by City Council to work with the Builders Association stakeholders on providing viable solutions and alternative language for the ISAC Recommendations. Please attend this working meeting to assist.
The recommendation is for:
- A limit of side and rear yard slope between lots to no more than10% max or a 6” drop over a 5’setback.
- Increased inspection to enforce 10% rule
- Increased inspection of drainage plan
For More Information:

Corpus Christi, Texas 78413
United States 361.991.3034